
Monday, October 4, 2010

Virgin Teeth—Before Braces

As I'm just about reaching 6 months into my whole treatment, I've had to look through my photo archives and find all the photos I took of my teeth before any orthodontic processes began. I understand this is a really backwards way of recording all this, but better late than never.

I took all of these the night before I was due to get my plate expander for my upper arch. You can see how my mouth rests in its normal position when my mouth is closed and the extent of the underbite. The furthest I was able to push my upper teeth was just meeting in line with my lower jaw. My right incisor, which comes up on the left, is a little crooked because the poor thing hasn't enough room in my upper jaw.

Excuse the yellowness, too! I am a (black) coffee and Diet Coke fanatic, and do drink my fair share of tea, but my teeth are really not that yellow!

The bite relationship between both jaws really wasn't that great. I didn't find eating or speaking a problem, although it did feel wrong and quite annoying that I couldn't move my upper jaw in front of my lower. Most of all, I couldn't smile, which did not make me a happy Jan indeed.

So, with this, here's to bye-bye bad bite and hello perfect teeth and perfect smile!