
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

2 Months, 2 Days

These are my awesome 'D' shark elastics in full swing. They are ultra-awesome in so much that their full extent cannot be shown here or caputured completely by camera.

It really looks as if my bite is closing over. I can tell you I will be so happy once my underbite is an overbite because essentially this is why I got braces.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1 Month, 23 Days

Shark/Vampire/Snake—Elastics and Braces

I went to my orthodontist today and got a present. A present in the form of news first and then a physical gift.

Good news was that I only had to wear my elastics part-time.

Bad news was that I was getting new and utterly worse elastics to wear for longer than my current ones.

I wish I had a photo of me wearing these elastics at this point in time because they really are terrible. They are a little thicker, a little shorter, and come from my upper canines to my lower canines at a bit of a diagonal which means they are quite visible when I talk and open my mouth.

I will continue to wear my 'E' elastics 8 hours a day, while my 'D' elastics get 16 hours of show. I've timed my schedule out, all social-friendly like, that I wear my 'E' elastics from 9 to 5—what a way to make a living!—and my 'D' elastics the rest of the time, 5 to 9.

The orthodontist told me I can take them out for a 'hot date'. Gosh, gee, thanks, I'll try and remember that. No consolation, they are really that bad.

My sister and I think I look like a shark in them, mother says a vampire (how topical—Twilight, anyone?), and one of my closest friends says a snake. I should start a freak-show or a zoo.