
Monday, November 1, 2010

Dr. Pretty Teeth Orthodontist

I initially got the opinion of a local orthodontist, one who's practice I saw on a daily basis, huge sign and teeth signage glaring and all. I popped in one day, really on a whim, and saw the gentleman and we had a talk and as far as I remember he heralded me over to get some X-rays done. As nice as he was, I never intended to get my treatment done with him, and after he charged for the initial consult, I really didn't want to pursue in his business.

My mother found the name of an orthodontist based in the city who had treated others we knew of, who seemed more reputable and professional, and ultimately the orthodontist I am undertaking my treatment with. Their two opinions were quite the same, the only difference between them was in the use of a particular appliance which essentially does the same thing, so my worries were eased to hear their accord.

The orthodontist prescribed the first phase of treatment to achieve further arch length and width in the anterior region for the alignment of the anterior teeth due to mild arch length shortage and a constricted upper arch form. The second phase of treatment with braces will be directed towards alignment of the anterior teeth and correction of the crossbite with a programme of fixed appliances, or braces. The orthodontist also noted the wearing down of the first incisor on the right due to the nature of the bite, that he predicted would only have gotten worse without treatment.

I found out that the treatment is due for an overall time of 12-15 months which includes 2-3 months of a removable maxillary expansion plate on the upper arch, followed by ceramic braces on both arches. The cost comes to a total lump sum payment of $6745.00 which includes retention treatments and consultations up to two years after active treatment is finished. I begin treatment on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 with the issue of the upper expansion appliance.

1 comment:

  1. Teeth hygiene is very important these days, not only for health reason, but also to improve your appearance especially if your job involves meeting a lot of person.
