
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Before and After Braces—Braces Off, Underbite Fixed and The Perfect Teeth

My braces are finally off! They've all come off, and I am completely done with the crooked metal-mouthed smile I once had.

Replaced with a spread of plastic goodness in the form of my Essix upper retainer...

Joy! But I'll deal. It has been almost 2 months wearing it full-time now, since I got my uppers off, and that means 1-2 more months of full-time wear, replaced by nighttime wearfor life!

So, it's a lazy Sunday morning, and as a lazy individual (read: busy), I've decided to finally bite the bullet and find some time in my hectic schedule (read: time meant for sleep) to update my (post-!) braces situation.

Artist's depiction:

I sincerely apologise for the delay in posting. I have been really busy and haven't really found a spare second for myself and my friends and my family, let alone my blog readers (you) out there. Thank you for being amazing! Alright, you can put away those sad sounding violins, and I'll get to the post.

Update, yay! My braces are finally off. I can't stop saying it, really. Almost 2 months later, may I add.

Sorry for the delay!

They came off on the 22 November, after 9 months and 22 days, and look how pretty my brace-less teeth look!

I didn't think that this post was too much of an update though, perhaps that's why I've been putting it off. For, you've already seen my uppers naked, mind you!

For me it was momentous as I had no more hardware in my mouth, but for you, well, I just got my bottom braces off. Seems like hardly a thing to share because everyone is more concerned about their uppersas far as the fastidious nature of braces is concerned on a direct visual level...

Nevertheless, braces came off, I became happy. That's the story of happy teeth.

I'm seeing my orthodontist in (I think) about 3 months from my debanding date, for a check up and to see how things are going. I'm also planning to see my dentist soon for a dental health check up, and perhaps doing something about extreme whitening, but I'm not sure I want to do that with my general dentist. Something more professional perhaps, but that's another story...

I don't have to wear an Essix retainer on my lowers, as I had a fixed, bonded lingual retainer applied when I got my lower braces off. The fact I don't have to wear another Essix retainer is quite great, but my orthodontist did say a month before I got them off that I'd be getting a lower Essix retainer. I'm not sure why he changed his mind or neglected to let me know why it wouldn't be the case. As I've mentioned, great orthodontist (read: sarcasm).


Keep the comments coming! I'm not too sure when, or if, I'll update anytime soon, but I'll always be here to respond to anything that comes through. I always get email notifications of all your comments, questions, queries, etc. so I'll be sure to respond whenever that happens. And please let it do! I love getting questions and comments, much obliged and happy to respond, all the while through smiling teeth!

Blatant plug and call for help: something that I ask all you lovely people to do to help me out would be to click on any of the banner the ads you see on my blog. They're not for me or my product or anything to do with me, but I do get a few cents for a click of each different ad, and even more for an email sign up or something like that, so you'd be helping me out a whole lot. Thanks in advance, wonderful people!

I've collected a rundown of my time in braces, as month-by-month breakdown of my journey from underbite to perfect teeth. Pretty much all photo captions except for the last are hyperlinked, so you can click on them to access the blog posts detailing my blog post for that period of time, which will also open in a new window. The following aren't absolutely all of my posts, just a select few which show the progress update breakdown of the movement of my teeth.

  After 9 Months, 22 Days

This seems like a goodbye, but it's more like a see you later. Here's to happy smiling! 


And, I'll leave you with a parting quote I found

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.


  1. Great blog. I've really enjoyed it.
    I'd really appreciate some before and after full head shot pictures:) I just want to see how the teeth affect your face.
    Some profile shots would be helpful too.
    btw, your teeth look amazing!

    1. Thank for your comments and compliments!

      As far as the full face photos go, sorry I don't think I'll go that far! Just keeping my anonymity in tact.

      To be honest, there wasn't a huge difference to my face and profile from before and after braces. My underbite wasn't severe enough to protrude my jaw out to an extreme degree. I have noticed that now my jaw sits more comfortably, withdrawn in my face, enough to notice, which is great.

      I would say it really depends on the severity of your situation. If you have a protruding jaw to begin with, I wouldn't say that it would remarkably be fixed with just braces. My jaw and chin didn't stick out enough for someone to notice it as a statement point, but enough for me to know it was because of my underbite.

      Thanks again, and sorry I can't be of more help.

  2. I just caught up on your blog after a long absence, your teeth look fantastic! It's great you have had such fast progress too; 9 months wow! I think your teeth are white enough to be honest, a nice natural white.

    I'll be getting braces in the next couple of months after having 144+ days with a jaw re-positioning splint (not that I'm counting, ha!) and I'm being very encouraged to see such results despite my outlook of 18 months in braces and possibly surgery.

    Congrats again, and now you have to get your money's worth in smiles and happy snaps with your family and friends. :)

    1. Thank you so much! Means a smiley bunch!

      Great to hear your update and good luck with yours! I wish you the same.

  3. Hi, I wanted to ask a question. Did ceramic braces on your lower teeth chip your upper teeth at all?

    Thanks in advance .


    1. I was concerned slightly as I do believe my upper tooth was worn away and chipped at a little due to my lower braces, but this was only slight, as far as I was concerned.

      I also think that this would have probably happened with metal lower braces, also, even though ceramic braces are a little bit bigger than the regular ones.

      My orthodontist did suggest metal lower braces for this reason, but I wanted ceramic braces for aesthetic reasons. The chipping which I believe I saw was quite minimal, and worth the ceramic braces wear, though.

      I do allude to this issue through my past posts, if you would like to look though to see in more detail.

  4. did you have to wear your elastics like that 24/7? because ive only been told to wear them at evenings and @ nights

    1. When I was wearing my elastics, I had to wear them 24/7 for a good while, almost 4 months. From then on I only wore them for half a day for the rest of my treatment period.

      Sure was annoying, and perhaps unnecesary, but I did as I was told. It was pretty awful though, socially. I've also seen others wearing elastics on their braces through the day, so perhaps there is a reason for this? Each to their own, maybe?

      Hope your progress is coming along nicely!

  5. I have an underbite and im looking into getting braces. but im concerned about my facial structure as when i try to pull my teeth back my jaw goes back and its quite uncomfortable. But my underbites is quite like yours was my 4 bottom teeth are in front and my 2 top teeth are behind. what was the most uncomfortable stage for you?

    1. The key thing to remember us that it's important where your jaw sits naturally, not where when you pull it back. I no longer have an underbite, but I can still pull my jaw back to look like an underbite.

      To answer your question, the most unfomfortable thing about getting braces is when you first get them on, as your teeth are very sore. Then it would be archwire changes, which are similar.

      The most unfomfortable thing about my underbite? The way my jaw sat in my mouth was unfomfortable and unnerving. It felt so unnatural and weirdly positioned. Very glad to have a normal bite now. It's so liberating!

  6. hi,i wanted to know if u were suggested to have surgery as i did,with a very similar under-bite,and what did your orthodontist had to say about this "braces-solution" instead?
    i ask this,since i decided to do the same..hoping it will "fix" the problem without surgery..
    i wonder if it will really fix my problem as it did in your case..and i fear the whole process is doomed..
    i think i sent a message through "follow by email" did u get it by any chance?

    1. I wasn't even suggested surgery, which was a blessing. Both orthodontists I got consultations with said that they didn't think I needed surgery, as well as them wanting to stay away from surgery for obvious reasons to do with cost, pain and recovery, as well as extremity.

      I was given the option of going with braces to fix my underbite, an I was greatful for. You need to go with what a professional says in their opinion is the best for you and your teeth. It is likely that if your teeth are similar to how mine were, that braces will be able to fix them.

      I did get your message. Thank you. And I m happy to talk about whatever concerns you have. Thanks and good luck!

    2. Hi thanks for your reply i sent u another message to your blog email

  7. Hi, you got amazing results. And tips on how you got your braces off so fast. And did you have to get any teeth removed. Because you bracket or whatever they are called are clear did you have staining problems? What toothpaste do you recommend, and like?

    1. Thank you for your comment! And I really am quite very happy with my results!

      I guess my teeth weren't that extreme of a case as I got them off quite quickly. I listened to my orthodontist when he told me how long I should be wearing elastics for and what I should be doing.
      So stick with what s/he's saying, and recommends, but remember, just because s/he knows what's right to do and because s/he's a doctor, it doesn't mean s/he has the right opinion.

      Also, keep your teeth clean! Brush, floss and rinse well! Avoid sugary foods and drinks which can ruin your teeth while wearing braces, or at any time, for that matter!

      Clear brackets stain more easily when you have coloured or dark drinks or foods, but I found this was only tempoarary. A good brush and clean will fix this up in no time.

      Toothpaste - feel free to use any, except a whitening toothpaste. You don't want your teeth, which are covered by the braces, to stay the colour they are and the rest to be whitened! I love Colgate toothpaste, as a preference, but use whatever your comfortable with. Steer clear from whitening toothpastes, though!

      Hope to have answered your questions!

      Take care, good luck and happy braces coming off day!

  8. hi iam 12 and have an underbite and was told i couldnt have braces. i dont know what class underbite i have but it is minor i cant put my teeth together and its just a little space between my teeth no more than a centimeter i am in the dallas ,texas area is there any place i can call to get ceramic braces.also i was told by an orthodontist that i have to get surgery in order to get braces.thank you and may you please comment as soon as possible

    1. All underbites are class III, because that is just another name for it.

      My best advice would be get another opinion from another orthodontist. I'm really against surgery, and it's not an approach to just jump into without too much thought and consideration.

      If it's minor, and looks anything like my before shots - take my case as proof it can be done without surgery. One of the reasons of my blog was to show people you can fix an underbite without surgery.

      Surgery is a big process and a big commitment. I'm not sure exactly how extreme your case is for your orthodontist to suggest surgery, but definitely get another opinion, and make it clear you don't want surgery.

      Good luck! I wish you all the best.

  9. did you get any teeth taken out? i'm thinking of braces to fix my slight underbite. thanks

    1. No - I was lucky enough to have teeth which weren't crowded. My orthodontist also doesn't like to remove teeth for various reasons. It's not a preferred route.

      If you have a look at my progress, you'll notice all my teeth remain in tact, without any removals.

      If I were to give you any advice, it would probably be to think hard, but get braces if what you want is straight teeth. It won't happen overnight, but it's worth the journey and the price. Good luck - if you do go ahead with them!

  10. Hi, I've been following your blog religiously, and I've got to say your teeth look amazing now!

    I was hoping to get your opinion on the situation I'm currently in. I'm 17 years old, and will be attending university this following August/September. I've already consulted with an orthodontist, and she told me that my underbite could be fixed with braces only (thankfully).

    However, the problem lies with financial matters. The braces themselves ("speedy" braces as I was told) will be $6300. The cost of braces alone is in my budget, however a recent consultation with my ortho informed me that I would need to extract 6 teeth. All 4 wisdoms, 1 adult tooth that never came in, and an additional tooth on the bottom. My centerline is extremely off, thus explaining the removal of a tooth on the bottom. This would be an additional $2125 (approximately, as my appointment with the oral surgeon is scheduled for July 30th).

    This comes to a total of a whopping $8425 I would have to spend. Thankfully, my parents are willing to pay half, however they are a bit reluctant in spending so much money on a problem based solely on aesthetics.

    I have no problem with my teeth regarding medical reasons. The reason I want braces is purely based on aesthetics. I've felt very self-conscious about my bite ever since I was little, and I think getting braces would boost my self-esteem 100%. I've gotten over the fact that I'd have to wear the braces for 2 years during university and am prepared for the aches and pains.

    I currently have a part time job and have quite a bit saved in the bank, enough to pay for my half. However, I do have to keep in mind the price of school, along with additional expenses such as clothes, shoes, laptop, and etc. I'm planning on getting another part time job in the summer as well to earn extra cash.

    In conclusion, I'd have to ask you: do you really think it's worth it if I were to get braces? Sorry for a very LONG explanation! I just had to get another opinion haha. Thanks in advance, and my apologies once again :)

    1. Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much for your response, and firstly – best response ever! Secondly, so very sorry for taking so long to get back to you!

      Thanks so much for the compliments – they mean a lot! Thanks for following, too. I wish I had a blog like this to follow in the lead up to my decision.

      I can completely understand your concerns with getting braces for aesthetic reasons. It’s sort of my reasoning, but since it’s an underbite, it really is more than aesthetics – the bite is off! Completely agree and can attest to it, it’s worth the money for the confidence and happiness!

      One thing I have to say is, I would avoid, or look into another opinion regarding the removal of your teeth. My wisdom teeth are still in place, half there, and my orthodontist said that they may need to be removed in the future, but not to worry about them in the meantime.

      In regards to extractions of your other teeth, tread carefully. You don’t get to rethink this decision. It may or may not be necessary, and I would definitely avoid it wherever possible. I have read about people regretting doing this before getting braces. Some having said it caused their face to have a sunken in look of someone missing teeth! Not a good look! I would get another opinion, or seriously have a good think.

      Definitely worth the money if it’s something you definitely, definitely want to do. As I’ve always put it, it’s a small price to pay, and a small annoyance, for what hopes to be a lifetime of happiness, smiles, confidence and perfect teeth. Don’t let me bias your opinion, as it is only one opinion, but I’m really happy with my teeth!

      Good luck! Love to hear how you go! Or, a blog of your own? I hope I’ve inspired others to blog about their journeys. You have an awesome writing style – really readable. Again, all the best!

  11. Hi - I just got to see your blog today. Your teeth look beautiful and pearly white already. Pls post pics after whitening too. It is a great idea to register the journey as a blog. I never tracked my progress so far. Regret it :(

    I am on Insigna clear braces on top and metal on bottom.12 months into the treatment. Another 6-8 months to go or lesser(hopefully). Just got on elastics couple of days back. Qn to did you handle being social with elastics.. It is a little more embarrassing than just braces..Also does everyone get clear retainers or different ones too ? Is it really my choice or my orthodontists? Thanks in advance!

    1. Thanks a lot! I haven't as yet gone ahead and gotten any professional teeth whitening done. I've kind of decided off it for the moment. I'm a bit worried about ruining my enamel - as my orthodontist and dentist have said can be the case. I'm just using whitening toothpaste when and where I can.

      Congrats on beginning the braces journey! I find that the start is the hardest, getting used to them, as well as getting over them. 12 months! Good going! Not long to go now!

      Elastics didn't affect my social life too much. It is tough when you do have to wear them, as they can look really awkward. That's the worst part of them.

      I tended to speak less and open my mouth not as widely as I could have. You have to try and learn to adapt to wearing them, socially, and get over them to the biggest extent you can bear them. They have to be worn, do wear them. And they do help speed up your treatment.

      Casting my mind back, a guy had tried to kiss me with elastics in my mouth! I was shocked. I don't even know if he really realised I even had braces on. Maybe it was too dark? Beyond that, I didn't let him! I can't imagine how that would have panned out. I steered away from any mouth action during my time in braces. I was curious to see how kissing in braces was, but I wouldn't let myself go there. But that's another story in itself!

      My orthodontist initially said I would be using the Hawley retainers, which have a metal wire across the top. I'm not sure why or how he changed his mind, but I ended up with Essix clear retainers. Speak to your orthodontist if you have any queries at this stage. I would definitely recommend my case - best case scenario. Bonded, permanent wire retainers top and bottom, and clear, Essix retainers for the top.

      Thanks for the questions, and I hope I've helped you out! Good luck with the rest of your time in braces.

  12. I have an underbite also with a crossbite. I was wondering did your jaw also move back with your teeth, or did it stay the same. People keep telling me that's jaw won't move back that it requires surgery.


    1. I think you've got it completely right here! I don't believe my jaw moved. Braces just move the teeth. If you have a very off bite and jaw it will most probably require surgery.

      Hope I've helped!

  13. So did you actually remove I tooth from the the front of the lower jaw?

    1. No, luckily I didn't have any tooth extractions at all! My orthodontist doesn't recommend it. I'm pretty sure he considers it only for severe cases.

  14. Hi,

    I am really happy I found your blog. I also have an underbite (28 years old). According to orthodontists and oral surgeons my case is borderline - can be treated with braces only or combination surgery/braces. I've decided to start with braces only. 10 days I am wearing 3M Clarity SL self-ligating braces. My ortho tells me she can fix my underbite with braces only. I've asked about the Palatal Expander, but she tells me it will not work for me, because at my age 28 years old it is too late for it.

    Do you think it is possible to fix underbite with braces only without expander?

    Apart from the braces I have to wear a plastic thing on my lower teeth that prevents my jaws to close fully. The reason is that if fully closed my upper teeth are behind my lower teeth and since my teeth are usually in that position it will be hard to move my upper teeth in front my lower ones. Did you wear something that was preventing your jaws to close fully?

    1. Hi Tod, thanks for your question. I definitey think you shouldn't worry about the expander. Personally, I don't think it did too much for me - probably just loosened my teeth a little. When I got braces - gosh that day was painful. Obviously my teeth were moving quite rapidly because of the force. I don't think it did too much, so I wouldn't worry about the expander.

      I didn't wear what you are describing - which sounds like a bite guard. The expander was quite similar to this for me, as I couldn't close my teeth down completely. This helps recifty the bite in the initial stages.

      Hope I've helped, and good luck!

    2. thank you for your answer. One more question: Were your upper teeth behind lower teeth when you started treatment with braces or the expander moved them infront? :) Mine upper teeth are just very little behind the lower ones.

    3. I detail all of this information in my posts, if you read them carefully! But, to answer your question, it is a bit complex. When my jaw was closed, certainly, my front teeth locked together behind my bottom teeth. I could, however, move my upper teeth to just meet the top of my bottom teeth - but they obviously didn't sit comfortably here.

      Hope I've answere your question! I go into much detail in my other posts, so please have a read!

    4. Ok, thank you. I tried to find this information, but I couldn't, sorry :(

      I also can put the front teeth meet the top of the bottom, but in normal position they are behind.

      Thank you for your answers they were really helpful. :)

  15. Hi, i want to congratulate you on your teeth as they look fantastic, and i also wanted to ask how much were your bonded lingual containers?

  16. Haha, **retainers sorry

    1. Thank you very much!

      My bonded lingual retainers were part of my whole orthodontic treatment payment - which was $6745.00 all up - so I can't say how much they were exactly as I paid a complete lump sum.

  17. Hi, I have an underbite as well. I'm getting braces on in August. I have a question. On day one of getting your braces they allowed you to get elastics as well? And what is that green stuff, it looks like gum. Was there any pain after getting them? Any tips or suggestions. I'm very happy with your results.

    1. Hi, and congratulations on your orthodontic journey! It will be tough, but it will be worth it, I can assure you.

      I got elastics from day one because it was my orthodontists decision to do so. Some orthodontists don't use elastics until later in the treatment stages. I guess it's just how they work in their own way of treating the teeth.

      The green stuff - yeah, it's gum! Apologies. I was so excited I could chew gum after about 3 months of wearing my expander and not being able to. The only photos I have from day one of wearing braces are those!

      Pain kicked in about half a day later and got pretty bad for the first week. This is the worst of the pain for me, from the whole experience. So, it just got better for me from there.

      If you read through my whole blog, I go into a lot of detail into tips and suggestions - so if you have the time, definitely read my other posts!

      Good luck!

  18. hi, this is safura. i love your perfect teeth. i just got my braces and it has been 2 weeks now. i have couple of questions for you. for some reason when my dentist put on the braces it felt tight and pressure and hurted for like three four days, then after that it stoped hurting and feels has if my teeth arent moving at all. i know it takes time but when do the teeth actually start moving??? what month will i actually notice a difference???? my front top teeth are out and my bottom two teeth are out???? what month will my top braces come off???? and i have read other ppls blogs who exprencied with braces and they were not too happy at the can you tell me that at the end will it be worth it???? will i have perfect teeth??

    1. Hi Safura. Thanks for the compliments and the question!

      Congratulations on getting braces. Initially, I experienced pain and pressure as you were describing, and it did only hurt quite a lot for about a week. Then the pain subsided. This is a completely normal feeling, as your teeth are not used to braces, and they are sort of shocked into being moved.

      Rest assured knowing that the braces are still doing their job, even though they aren’t feeling painful anymore.

      The teeth are moving pretty much the whole time, up until your final stages, where minor adjustments are made to sort of lock in the positions of your teeth. I noticed a difference week to week – mainly in my first 3-5 months. Your teeth will slowly but surely show results – you just need to be really patient!

      I can’t tell you when you will have your braces removed. That’s up to your orthodontist to say. Ask if you’d like to get an indication.

      I am very happy with how my braces worked out. My teeth are now straight, and I don’t have an underbite anymore. I’d like to know why other people were unhappy in those cases. Perhaps they didn’t voice their concerns when they had the chance. Most people, you’ll find, are very happy with their results.

      I’m sure you will have very nice teeth, as your braces will help you in achieving this. Just be patient, keep smiling and be positive. Remember to ask your orthodontist any questions or raise any issues you have as they will be the best person to help you out.

      All the best!

  19. Thank u so much for this, can I email u a pic of my teeth to ask if u think mine could be corrected. My email is I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks

    1. Pleasure, Sunny! You're very welcome.

      That sounds fine if you're happy to. Feel free - but it will just be my opinion only.

      Make sure to send multiple views, of your natural bite, and how far you can move your front teeth forward, how I have above.

      I will be in touch.

  20. Hi! I love your teeth! i'm hoping mine would turn out like yours. i'm getting braces soon to fix my underbite.
    I few questions to ask you if that's alright. sorry if you've answered them already!

    1. do you think your underbite will go back? or has it stayed the same by wearing your retainers?

    2. At the beginning of the treatment, did your underbite get worse before it got better?

    3. also, when you got your braces on, did it make your underbite more obvious when you had your mouth closed? (since the braces might push your lip out)

    Thankyou so so much for your help! <3

  21. Hi Kasina! Thanks for your comments and questions.

    To answer your questions, my underbite hasn’t gone back since. I think my teeth have maybe moved a little, but not the bite, but I may be imagining things a little. My bonded retainers have definitely helped, as have my other retainers that I wear each night.

    I would say my underbite was different at the start of my treatment, not worse. It just felt like things were changing. For me at least, mine was a gradual improvement.

    I was worried my lips might be pushed out. They weren’t pushed out excessively at all. I think it seemed that way when I got them initially, but it wasn’t anything very obvious at all. It didn’t make my underbite more obvious, just made my lips look a bit more pouty and luscious – which is a good thing!

    Not a problem – happy to help. I wish you luck with your braces.

  22. Very nice pictures demonstrating before/after of braces. Here are some more I found:

  23. hi
    iv got braces on, iv had them on for 9 months and my teeth kind of looks straight but but wen i bite only one side of my teeth meet but not the other yet my dentic says my teeth are done and is taking my braces off next month. when you bite do all your teeth meet?

    1. My teeth definitely do! Perhaps my bite was just different to yours?

      My best advice would be to let your orthodontist know your issues. Good luck with the journey!

    2. yeah im going to book another appointment and talk to him again.

      Thank you.

  24. Hi, I was really wondering how the braces affected your lips. See I've been recomended braces for my under bite and was wondering if it makes your bottom lip sit under your upper lip because at the moment my bottom lip is a little protruding.
    Thank You

    1. They didn't necessarily. I was worried about this too, as I have big lips. Short answer was that they did a little, and made the bottom one stick out more - especially since I had the underbite already, and my bottom lip stuck out more than usual from the get-go.

      This is part and parcel of the underbite though, and it will become less obvious as your teeth move into their correct positions. It's definitely something I wouldn't worry aboutas it is quite minor! You can hold your lips together, as you would know, to make them seem smaller.

      Good luck!

  25. Thanks for this blog! It is awesome to see that you corrected your under bite without surgery.

    Before braces, were you able to move the lower part of your Jaw/Teeth behind the top part of your Jaw/Teeth.

    My bite is very similar to yours. When I bite, you can see my under bite, but I can move my lower Jaw to meet one top and one bottom tooth to cut down food. Kinda similar to your before bite #2 picture.

    I have seen 2 Orthos and they both mentioned surgery. One did say it was 20% that I might not need surgery, but he was not confident.

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

      Appreciate your kind words, and it really is great that I’ve been able to correct my bite without surgery.

      If you read through my other blog entries, I discuss my prior bite to detail. I wasn’t actually able to move my lower teeth behind my top jaw. They pretty much met perfectly to bite down, top to bottom, but didn’t sit naturally like this in my mouth.

      Your bite does sound exactly like my own once was. And can I tell you, it’s an amazing feeling having a corrected bite!

      I would steer as far away from surgery as you can, or try and get a different opinion, to find an orthodontist which can help you without surgery. As is obvious form my case, it can be done.

      Good luck with your journey.

  26. Hi - just found your blog and want to say your smile is fabulous!
    I have a similar issue - now in my 30's and my jaw is always tired from not having a comfortable bite. 20 years ago, I had braces, and could not stand the pain of the elastics. I didn't know my 3rd molars were already growing into the roots of the rest of my molars - really ruined the progress.
    Anywho, I saw the oral surgeon recently and he didn't think surgery would be my best bet, as I had been previously told it would be surgical correction or no correction. I'm off to see an orthodontist tomorrow for a consult. Fingers crossed! Maybe the 2nd time is the charm for me :)
    Thanks so much for posting as you have. Very encouraging!

    1. Hi, and thanks for your comment. Firstly, apologies on the delay in getting back to you, and all the other comments. I’ve been on a busy hiatus and haven’t had the chance to reply to anyone. I hope my reply is still relevant and helpful!

      It’s great to hear your story, and it’s so wonderful my story has helped you in some way!

      Good luck with your treatment. I know first hand how hard it was for me in my 20s! You are a trooper!

  27. Hey, i was just wondering if there was any pain in biting when you first got you're braces in? I just got braces in my top teeth yesturday, as i think i have a crossbite an abit of an underbite.. kinda. Not all my teeth touch when i bite, its very uncomfortable :( Also i need to straighten my teeth abit more, the ortho said he needed to also use the braces to pull my top teeth forward and when i get my bottom braces in, they will push my bottom ones back abit, so i can bite normally I Hope... Today it is really hurting and i feel as though i can't even bite down at all now, as it hurts soo much and it feels like some of my bottom and top teeth want to push in the same place, if that makes sense.. like my teeth are in the way of eachother, it causes alot of pain for me, was there any pain for you like this?

    1. Thanks for your question. Of course there was pain! There will be quite a bit of pain and sensitivity while your teeth settle in and move. The first few days and even first few weeks will be the worst! That’s what I found anyway!

      It was quite hard to bite and eat, and the sensitivity was really bad initially, but you get used to it and it does ease away.

      Hang in there – and just think, it’ll only get better! All the best on your journey!

    2. Thanks :)! iv been worrying alot about it, they are still hurting now but its definitely worth it! so ill just have to take the pain haha. Just can't wait to actually bite down properly again.
      But thanks!

  28. hi...if you look your teeth very close on the mirror, on some angle do you see some scratch left from the cleaning on the surface of your teeth? i wonder if this normal or my orthodontist did thing in hurry :(
    When she cleaned the glue...there's no any pain thought.

  29. I just emailed you but I didn't realize I could ask you here. I was wondering if your lip stuck out when you smiled. I want to know because my side profile is probably what I hate most about the underbite. I'm getting braces next month but I would like to know if this issue of a protruding bottom lip when smiling was fixed as well.

  30. That's my comment above but I have something to add! Was your underbite skeletal? Haha thanks again.

  31. The results are great. Braces really makes your smile beautiful. See this site for more.

  32. That must be hard times during the recovery and after the surgery. But the thing is now you have a healthier speed smiles which is the most important.

  33. Do you have any gaps from your front 2 teeth and bottom incisors? im getting my braces off next month and i do : /....and are your cannie teeth a little bit out?

  34. Braces can dramatically improve one’s appearance by aligning teeth and correcting a person’s natural bite. thanks for sharing nice post.
    teeth braces london

  35. Your teeth look lovely!

  36. I'm really worried about my braces the othodontist is very rude and does not take time with me ive already looked into switching clinics but I can't I have an extremely bad overbite(you can't see my bottom teeth whatsoever its just gums i've had them since August and my face looks even more bad then before I look like I have super chubby checks everytime i see him he says nothing about the progress and tells me i dont understand when i explain to him the wires are cutting into my cheecks I have looked up overbites and mine is one of the worst i've seen he told me he will only be able to fix up to 80% of the bite I'm really worried is they any suggestions anyone? should i be concerned about my treatment plan

  37. Hi, I just wanna know if its true that after the treatment and u have your braces off for a while there is a tendency that under bite might come back? I got same case like yours and having my braces soon. Thanks

  38. Wow!!! The changes that braces can make are just mind blowing sometimes! I myself had to have braces as an adolescent, and I didn't think that my teeth turned out THAT great! The technology advancements are really working it though. Now, my son is coming up on that age, where we are starting to think that he's gonna need braces. He's requesting though, that we get him invisalign charlotte , instead of traditional wire braces. Are these better? Are they more effective? Are they effective at all?

  39. Wow this is amazing! You have perfect result! I also have braces and I am on my 3rd month now, I see progress and changes but not on my deep bite. My dentist told me that he can't promise me that he can fix the deep bite because I already lost 4 molars (2 on right side, 2 left side) on my lower area. But he said that he will do his very best to fix it. I am not wearing elastics. I dunno why. Argh, I envy your teeth! It's gorgeous! Nice post!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment and all the compliments! It's so nice to have perfect strangers saying how nice my teeth look!

      Good luck with your progress - hang in there! It's a bit of a long journey, but so worth it in the end!

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  41. I stumbled upon your blog while I was researching about braces and I absolutely love it!

    You know what, I have a similar problem. I have an underbite but, in my case, it's because of mandibular prognathism. My dentist pointed this out 5 years ago and I was supposed to wear a chin cup 24/7! I didn't pay heed to my dentist's advice and only wore it at night before going to sleep. So while I did progress from class III malocclusion to class I, now I realize I should've listened and my treatment would have been over a long time ago!

    Anyway, I get it now and my chin-cup treatment should stop in about 2 months after which I'll get braces('coz I also have slightly crooked teeth. Argh)

    But I feel really great as I see my bite improving now because, believe me, it felt terrible to have a bad side profile and a not-so good bite.

    So, here's to a better smile in a few months! Cheers.

    P.S. Congrats! Your smile looks great! :

    1. Thank you so much!

      Good luck to you and your journey!

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  47. I really want to get braces. I found an orthodontist in Edmonton that looks really helpful. Does anyone have any suggestions of where to go before I make a final decision?

  48. I love before and afters! Your teeth look fantastic. Thanks for sharing, it's makes me feel hope.

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely comment! It's really nice to hear, and have some appreciation for the blog I put a lot of effort into.

      So worth it! Good luck to you if you do decide to get braces too! I can only hope your results are great too!

  49. hi i had an underbite like you and i just got m braces off for a week. I realised that my profile has become older. I have sunken cheek and my upper teeth are not covering my lower teeth fully. the upper teeth look slanting and protruding out. I wonder if your teeth look the same from the side view. And your cheek does look sunken like mine. The dentist told me after a few months the cheek will become more chubby, is it true ?

  50. There aren't any issues with my teeth or profile as you described.

    My cheeks are quite prominent, so maybe I don't visibly have the same issue as you?

    My teeth from the side are straight, up and down - they don't slant, which is what I was afraid of it doing through the treatment.

    Maybe I can upload a photo some time of my side view of my teeth.

    I'm not sure you have had a good job on your teeth. I would speak to your orthodontist and raise your concerns. You certainly shouldn't have gotten your braces off if you weren't happy with how your teeth looked.

    Hope I could have been of some help to you! Good luck!

    1. I went to meet my dentist yesterday. The reason why i took out my braces is because she said there wont be getting better for te slant, the longer braces to just o maintain its position.
      However , she told me that everyone has braces will tend to have silubken cheek initially after the braces is taken off, bec the cheek muscle has nt been workig fully durig the braces process. So after 6 months she said i will have more chubby face again, should i believe? and did you get more chubby cheek since u got your braces off ?

  51. On top of what i mention, i was planning to see another dentist to make my teeth revert back to original by braces again . What do you think ?
    Do you think by not wearing retainer the teeth will move back to its original position 100% and my face get chubby again?
    Any suggestion ?

    1. I'm not quite sure what you mean, sorry. It sounds like you want to have your teeth back to being crooked and ill-aligned, and make your face chubby!

      My teeth haven't moved, and my face hasn't gotten more chubby, so I'm not sure if this will happen yo you.

      You should definitely wear your retainer as advised by your orthodontist if you want to keep your teeth in the final position they've been set in as closely and for as long as possible.

      Your teeth shouldn't move back to 100% originally - they have most likely moved a lot and they won't revert back to normal just because you don't wear your retainer. There are a few factors to consider including how long you wore braces for. The longer you have, the more firmly set your teeth are in their final position.

      Sorry I couldn't help any more than that!

  52. Hi! I've been contemplating on getting braces next month. When I saw your pics it helped me decide :D cool XD

    mine isn't underbite but when i close my lips my face doesn't really look good on side-view. it looks like my lower lip area is millimeters away from being classified as something that would look like i have an underbite. I wanted my lower lip area to move backwards so my face would look nicer when on side-view.

    When you had your braces, did your profile improve? did the teeth move back and has it affected your appearance when you close your mouth? i really wanna know. thank you thank you thank you! :D I hope to have the same smile as you have right now

    1. Good to hear Seifer! I wonder how you're going with it now!

      My side profile improved just a little, because everything became aligned properly. It probably won't change your profile too much, unless you have some huge alignment issues going on, in my opinion. My lower lip did move back a little because my lower teeth moved back a little, so things fit into place much more nicely now.

      Since my teeth sit properly on top of each other, so do my lips.

      Hope I've helped, and good luck with your journey! Thanks so much for the lovely comments!

  53. Hey, I want to know if your side profile looks normal now compared to before you got braces, like your bottom lip doesn't protrude?

    1. A little, but yes - it does. My lower lip sits much better together, and doesn't protrude as much.

      It's all up great!

  54. It is amazing what braces do.
    The results are more than obvious

  55. Your smile looks great! It always makes me happy to see gorgeous smiles like yours. Absolutely beautiful!

    Mia | Braces in Merrillville, IN

  56. The teeth beside my two front teeth are the only ones protruding the teeth at the bottom. Still, my lower lip protrudes my upper lip and this gave me a long-shaped face. Also, my midline at the top isn't aligned with the bottom. Will braces fix this problem? Thanks.

  57. wow... so fast.. is the braces you wear self ligating braces

    I plan to put the braces on next week.. maybe next week.. but confusing the different between damon braces and self ligating braces..did you know about that?

    1. My braces weren't self-ligating braces. I understand that these are faster.

      I'm not very knowledgeable with the different types either!

  58. I was really amazed with this procedure, If we just have a long patients and willing to sacrifice something then we can have a successful and very beautiful teeth like this.

    Manhattan dental clinic

  59. Awesome smile really, i love your smile! I want one like that, i need to find a orthodontist in Edmonton! Thanks for sharing!

  60. Good thing braces were invented nowadays, to correct our crooked teeth, though for some it's awful to have braces but for me I love it, especailly seeing girls with Girls with braces.

  61. Hi who was your orthodonist?
    Could you please give me their name and address?
    Your results look amazing!! I hope to get an end result like yours.
    Great blog!

  62. I have the same situation you had. Surgery was never considered, so I'm trusting that the ortho knows what they're doing. I have a question though: would doubling up on elastics speed up the process? I just got started on Monday (after wearing my braces for almost 3 years) and I'm just ready to get them off. I'm almost 20 and don't want them for another year. Just curious if you ever tried or considered wearing 2 rubber bands on each side! Your teeth look great by the way!

  63. Your teeth look fantastic. Congrats on getting great results. I take it the whole ordeal was worth it?

  64. I'm looking into get ceramic braces myself and this blog has helped me a lot. Thanks so much. Now I just need to find someone who does ceramic braces in Sydney. What are ceramic braces

  65. Everything you need to know about getting braces put on. Do braces hurt? How long does it take to get braces? Thanks for the answers and more .

  66. Hi, Thanks for this blog.
    I'm 16 years old boy, but when would be a good time for me to do something like yours?


  67. I remember having braces when I was a teenager. I actually had them twice. It was such a cool feeling when I got them off. My teeth felt so smooth and perfect and I couldn't stop running my tongue across them!

  68. Braces find in form of cosmetic or structural. Really dental braces are often used in conjunction and shaping the teeth and jaws. Today metal brackets and wire use in the braces. Ceramic braces are also available in tooth color. It is less noticeable than colored wires. Thanks for sharing useful information about metal and ceramic braces.

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  69. I really like your blog it excellent. this blog is very helpful and informative. Thanks for sharing information about braces with us.

  70. Thanks for sharing the great blog about , really it provide the very useful information for us!!

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  72. Thanks for the post SayBraces, really loved it. I have been planning to do an Invisible Braces at Southgate clinic. Your post gave me a lot of positive energy which made me due about doing it. Expecting more of your posts.

  73. Hi, can you give me your opinion?

    I had braces when i was 14, had it for 2 years... Everything was awsome... Now, with 21years, my front teeth are edge to edge...

    Do you think a i will need surgery?

    Here are before and after shots of my mouth:

    1. It's hard for me to say, as I'm not a doctor, but your case doesn't look extreme to me.

      Please get an orthodontists opinion on the matter.

      If it's any consolation - I don't think they look that bad at all!

  74. Today there are available different types of braces in the medical industry. Most of the young patients want to use invisible braces for improving their smile. Thanks for sharing this valuable information about braces.
    Ceramic White Teeth in Jaipur

  75. Perfect encouraging as I am also going through treatment.I just want to know the lip colour you are wearing.

    1. Thank you! Glad you think so!

      I'm not wearing any lip colour on a majority of my photos, actually!

      I'm wearing red lipstick in one - this is an Estée Lauder. But it's a very old shade they probably don't make any more!

  76. There is a lot of great stuff on this blog. I have been wondering about why people with braces get those white spots and this answered. Most of my friends have braces on right now so I'll have to explain to them about this issue. Clear Braces Pembroke Pines

  77. Perfect! You now have a beautiful smile. Your teeth looks more fabulous.

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  78. If you really need to have a braces, I may suggest you to have invisalign. It's more expensive yet it's removal and comfortable to wear.

  79. HI I'm emman and I had an underbite also......can I send you my picture of my teeth and see if can braces fixed it.....please respond

  80. HI I'm emman and I had an underbite also......can I send you my picture of my teeth and see if can braces fixed it.....please respond

  81. Great blog! It gives us a lot of information about Straight teeth without braces . Thanks for sharing with us!


  82. I really like your blog it excellent. this blog is very helpful and informative. Thanks for sharing with us.. Straight teeth without braces

  83. You can see the difference with the before and after. I am a huge advocate for straight teeth and my kids will get braces to close up those gaps. The braces look doesn't have such a negative connotation to it anymore. I feel like it is more encouraged to get braces now than before.

  84. master in dental treatment with best services and quality. You can get our services in replace missing teeth, Laser assisted Dental treatment, Clear or invisible braces and whitening your teeth.

  85. Great blog post. It gives us a lot of information. But instead of using braces, why can you try to use Orthofill, it's effective and safe to use.

  86. This blog has clearly explained about the braces and how we have to use this braces are clearly explained in a very easy manner so update these kind of information.

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  87. Love this blog! Have your teeth shifted since the braces came off?

    1. Thank you so much! They haven't at all! I feel very lucky and my teeth are looking just as good as when I got them off!!!

    2. Love this blog!!!

    3. Yay! Thank you! It's so good to get comments like this! Makes it all worthwhile.

  88. It haves an many of the braces which is most helpful and good for teeth.Are the cheaper braces also haves an various kind of braces.Use our products are ceramic self-ligating brackets, self ligating brackets and orthodontic manufacturer china.


  89. Hi there, your blog inspires me a lot. My teeth is a bit same as yours. I'm getting my braces next week and I really do hope that i can have a smile as beautiful as yours.

  90. Hello Friends!
    Dental braces are most commonly associated with teenagers,
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    You can use braces to correct misaligned teeth at any age, just so long as your teeth and gums are reasonably strong.
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